These are dark and dangerous times. There is a pall of fascism hanging over our country, and President-elect Donald Trump continues to stoke the fires. But, don’t just take my word for it, let’s take a hard look at the evidence.

First of all, there is the use of ethnic stereotypes and exploitation of fear of foreigners, which is directly out of a fascist’s recipe book. Disdain for Human Rights. Using people’s fear of enemies to justify the need for “security” that ignores human rights.

Second, “Making the country great again” and concern about national decline are some of the most prominent emotional states evoked in fascist discourse. Trump used this same ploy illegitimately. The country isn’t in serious decline, but he was able to persuade half of the population that it is. The capacity of Trump to enlist working-class voters against the “elitist” left is exactly what other fascist states have done. The US has the strongest economy in the world and is still the strongest military power without any close rival. The trends are not downward, nevertheless, a lot of people have been left behind especially under-educated white males who don’t believe the country is better for “them.”

Third, rampant sexism comes to the forefront (remember the “nasty woman” comment). Fascist governments are almost exclusively male-dominated, traditional gender roles are made more rigid, women’s reproductive rights and homosexuality are suppressed, and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.

Fourth, corporate power is protected and labor-power is suppressed, because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government.

Fifth, in order to win elections fascists adopt these actions. 1) Opponents are subjected to smear campaigns. 2) Legislation is used to control voting numbers (gutting of the voting rights act, requiring voter I.D.’s, purging voter roles, disenfranchising blocks of voters). 3) Political district boundaries are manipulated. Trump did not call for this. It was already part of the minority party’s fascist movement in this country.

Sixth, fascist politicians take over the courts and justice system turning it against their “enemies” (witness the blocking of a supreme court nominee until after the election).

Seventh, freedom of the press is curtailed. Trump has attacked journalists at his rallies, threatened legal action against the press, and suggested we need to curb freedom of expression. He has already begun to limit press access by controlling the small pool of journalists who travel with him.

So, we are faced with the challenge of our lifetime. Hyperbole? Think again. Consider the people who will be harmed and perhaps die if: they are deported back to Mexico; there is no place in the US for Syrian and other refugees; Muslims are denied entry; people again become uninsured due to a reversal of the Affordable Care Act; women are prosecuted for having illegal abortions; Blacks, Gays and Transgender folks are attacked and even murdered for their identities; environmental issues continue to be ignored in favor of profits.

As Unitarian Universalists we are tasked with a set of principles that call us to Social Justice action based on the inherent worth and dignity of every person, justice and compassion in human relations and respect for the interdependent web of life. These words are not to be taken lightly. Unitarian Universalists are committed to “promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” We are not a static group; we are called to action by our values and our belief in humanity. Let me be clear about what we are called to do at this time in history. We must stand in opposition when people are discriminated against, and when their welfare and well-being are threatened on the basis of gender, sexuality, religion, political affiliations, age, race, belief, disability, location, social class, socioeconomic circumstances. We cannot be quiet or complacent.

What can we do?

Here are some things we must do to build a broad and robust anti-fascist politics to transform people’s political views and serve as a bulwark of resistance to the politics of white male resentment roiling the nation:

  1. Form or Join a Labor Union: Unions have been the single most important American institution for demanding an economy that serves the needs of working people.
  2. Defend the Constitution: Fascism relies on extra-legal politics to gain power. Trump is clearly signaling his disdain for the rule of law by calling the election “rigged” and threatening to jail Clinton if he wins.
  3. Support Those Under Attack: Trump and the alt-right have centered their politics on vilifying immigrants, Muslims and anyone else perceived to interfere with the “supremacy” of the white male. We must all directly support groups that represent the interests of targeted populations.
  4. Engage Local Politics: For too many people, politics means voting for the president every four years and not much else. It is essential that we begin revitalizing politics at the local level. We have to get our hands dirty in the trenches to develop a real agenda with real popular support and the tools to implement it.
  5. Form Study Groups: Developing a political agenda for unions and local political clubs. Figuring out which organizations to support requires an analysis, a deeper study, and a community of people to engage with.

None of these things on its own will automatically end the real threat of fascism, but we must each reject the illusion that investing all our energies in the politics of presidential elections will be sufficient. Now is the time to start preparing for a future where we must “Take the reins of Democracy” and defend it ourselves. As Thomas Jefferson said, “Democracy cannot survive when people are ignorant.”

In the near future the Social Justice Committee will be undertaking a 4-session study group that seeks to provide a foundation for engaging in Social Justice work based on the Network of Spiritual Progressives vision of a “Path to a World of Love and Justice.” I hope you will consider joining us. More information to follow.

In Peace and Solidarity,

Judith Pedersen-Benn


Lead Article ~ nUUsletter ~ November 24, 2016