Sunday Happenings

Sundays are typically the busiest day at UUCC! While services always start at 11:00am ET, we have other Sunday morning events and meetings that rotate.

UUCC Choir
The UUCC choir rehearses in the sanctuary every Sunday morning from 9:00-10:15AM. The choir typically rehearses and performs September-May with a Summer break. No choral experience is required to join! Everyone is welcome to come sing!
Forum/Adult RE
On select Sundays, guest speakers are invited to discuss a variety of topics with the UUCC community. Formerly known as Forum, these Adult Education Series are arranged by UUCC committees and groups and typically meet in the sanctuary before or after service.
Keep an eye on the calendar and the nUUsletter for upcoming Adult Education sessions!
Coffee and Conversation
Coffee and refreshments are served in our reception area between 10:30 and 11:00. Members and friends of UUCC gather to chat, and welcome newcomers.
Sunday Service
Our regular Sunday Service starts at 11:00am ET with an energetic song. During the course of the service, we will offer a meditation or two, contemplate a passage from literature, perhaps a poem, maybe hear a reading from a world religion. We will sing, play music, ask silent questions, and laugh right out loud. A sermon or topical presentation of some sort is standard, as is a moment of contemplative quiet. We take an offering to support the work of the congregation, and monthly we ‘share the plate’ with other community nonprofits working at making the world a better place.
Children's Religious Education (K-8th)
Children are dismissed to Religious Education(RE) classes around 11:15am, after the “Story for All Ages” during regular Sunday Services. Children will go downstairs with our RE Volunteers for lessons and meet their Adult’s at the top of the stairs at the end of service.
The second Sunday of the month is always a multigenerational service, so children are invited to stay in the sanctuary and participate! No RE!
A Registration Form must be filled out to register your child for RE. If you have any questions about RE at UUCC, reach out to our Director of Religious Education (