UUCC thrives because of the gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure made by our members. We believe that everyone has something valuable to offer and welcome everyone to consider how they might be able to contribute. Below are some things to consider as you think about how you may be able to “give back” to UUCC.
Time: This is a very important element of being a member of UUCC. Some members have regular responsibilities; such as being part of a team that works on communication, cares for our grounds, or serves as Sunday morning greeters. Other members prefer to work on specific time-limited projects as they come up, such as the annual auction. On the “Engage with Us” page, you will find some ways to give of your time. There are many places in the church where you can contribute your time – as we work together to make this the best UU church it can be! We encourage you to find the places where you can make a difference.
Talent: What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? There is a place for writers, artists, musicians, people who can “show up,” work with others to create policies, communicate information, help plan activities, and take an active part in whatever is going on. If you have a skill or interest, there is a place we can use it at UUCC. What talents do you have that you would like to share with our UUCC community?
Treasure: Our “treasure” (also known as “money”) is important to everyone – whether we have a lot of it or just enough to get by. Our treasure does more than keep the lights on and pay our staff members. Our Landscaping committee uses this money to buy gas and maintain the lawn mowers to cut our grass; the Social Justice committee uses this money to buy materials for activities and causes; the RE committee uses this money for the curriculum and materials for the children’s programs; and on and on. This community wants to do good things for our members and for the greater community of which we are a part, so our treasure is always invested wisely.
We hope you’ll consider what Time, Talent and Treasure you are able to share. The more you get involved, the more you are going to feel a part of this wonderful community and the more enriched the church community will be as a result of your generosity.
We will soon post an “Activities Survey” to our website, where you can let us know how you’d like to give of your time and talent. To make a monetary donation, visit the “donate” section on our website. Checks can also be mailed to the church.