UUCC is not just for Sunday mornings …
There are a lot of things happening at UUCC. Below is a list of a few of the ways you can get involved. Hopefully you will find some activities and pursuits that interest you among the committees and groups. If you have questions, or would like to find out more information, feel free to reach out to a board member, the church administrator, or Rev. Mandy.
Special Interest and Social Groups
UU activities go beyond volunteering our time, treasure, and talents. We also share common interests and have a lot of fun while getting to know each other in our church community.
If you’re new, please fill out this visitor form and we can get you connected with groups!
We’d welcome you to join one of these groups:
- Small Group Ministry– This longstanding UUCC program offers opportunities for members to form lasting relationships within small groups of eight or ten who meet usually weekly or bi-weekly. Discussions are facilitated, and topics can range widely. To find out more about joining a small group, contact the church office.
- UUCC Choir – Our talented vocalists at Sunday services provide musical pleasures, and hold rehearsal sessions at 10:00 AM on Sundays (except summers).
- Adult Education Classes – On various Sundays throughout the year, as announced, UUCC hosts opportunities for continued learning and personal development. You can check the UUCC calendar on the website for current offerings.
- Wednesday Coffee/Potluck – We have something fun going on every Wednesday at UUCC! On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, we meet in the fellowship hall at 10:00am for coffee and discussion. On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, we gather in the fellowship hall at 6:00pm for a potluck dinner. Everyone is invited to attend these events!
There’s something afoot for every UU and friend.
We hope you’ll join us!
In addition to the groups mentioned above, there are several committees that help carry out the mission of the church. If you are interested in serving, here are a few of the areas where you can get involved:
- Art on the Walls – This committee arranges five or more art exhibits per year, communicating and coordinating with local artists. They hang and remove the pieces and provide information about the exhibits for advertising. They also hang and remove Christmas wreaths.
- Buildings and Facilities – Our dedicated B & F committee maintains buildings, structures, and hardscape of our property, evaluating maintenance and repair needs, and obtaining estimates before arranging the work. They manage security operations and equipment. They obtain trash services, maintain cleaning and other supplies, and remove trees more than 10” in diameter.
- Chancel Décor – This group decorates the altar table, and maintains the linens, candles, and chalice for Sunday services.
- Coffee- The Coffee Ministry makes sure that coffee and the occasional light snack are available for the congregation before and after Sunday Service. If you are interested in helping, please email office@uucc.org
- Communications – Can you design a website, or write short articles, or develop social media discussions? The Communicators host and maintain the website, promoting UUCC as a liberal religious haven for all. They coordinate the weekly nUUsletter and build donations for WUTC underwriting announcements about our activities. They assist members with tech education, and work to improve communications between committees.
- Endowment – This group monitors the Church investments to ensure compliance with the Endowment Committee charter and makes decisions about distributions to fund church projects. They inform the congregation about Endowment activities and solicit and facilitate donations through planned giving, in wills or life insurance. They meet annually with our financial consultant.
- Finance – Our Finance Committee provides financial recommendations to the UUCC Board. They research and develop our annual budget, and monitor monthly income and expenses at their monthly meeting. This committee also develops and communicates potential policies and procedures to the board regarding building use, fund raising, reimbursement of staff and volunteers, and has input on all church projects involving income or expense.
- Landscaping – This green-thumbed group maintains the UUCC lawns, drives, and sidewalks, including the children’s playground. They plan low-maintenance plantings and develop woodland walking trails. They organize several volunteer afternoons each year to trim, prune, and fight back the invasives – privet and poison ivy. They are the go-to groups for all outdoor issues – including hornets!
- Lay Pastoral Care – Put your “people skills” to use on this committee, which does require training so you may be fully effective: three hours each month. This committee provides a confidential, non-judgmental, one-on-one presence to congregants in need, whether because of personal problems, grief, or friction with others – at any time a willing ear will help. They also plan and conduct special pastoral events or workshops.
- Membership – Members of this team greet visitors, members and friends on Sunday mornings; facilitate Faith Forward classes after church most Sundays; coordinate New Member Sundays; follow-up with new members; and other membership related activities.
- Memorial Garden – This committee oversees the UUCC area of remembrance, assisting families who wish to inter ashes of loved ones, and arranging memorial plaques. They maintain records of donations and fees, and monitor expenses and bank statements. They communicate information about the interment in the garden in print and online. They plan and carry out an annual re-dedication of the garden.
- Adult Religious Education – The Adult Ed group hosts a home-cooked dinner each Wednesday evening. They plan and host adult education programming, and recruit teachers or facilitator for classes.
- Youth Religious Education – One of the most important areas of congregational life is undertaken here, with these members teaching our children’s religious ed classes. They identify and recruit teaching assistants and perform background checks for hires. They help with special functions involving our children.
- Wowzers – This committee assists the minister by planning and leading services when the minister is absent. They support sound production for services and order sanctuary supplies. They assist the minister in resolving any problems relating to services.
- Social Justice – The social justice team works to educate and activate members of our church and the larger community with respect to social justice issues. They prioritize areas of social concern for congregational involvement and seek ways to address and rectify these problems. They conduct educational programs to raise awareness, and create alliances with other churches and community organizations with similar goals.