Mostly hidden from view are some hard-working angels that quietly take care of our church. Today, we would like to express our profound gratitude to twelve of those volunteers who go above and beyond in sharing their gifts with us.

Dave Benn: In addition to keeping up with landscaping and watering, Dave has often helped Chris when she needs someone for an unexpected “fix-it” job! Thank you!

Gay Voke: This friend of the church can often be found in the kitchen! Gay contributes her wonderful gift of making coffee, cleaning up, and bringing yummy treats for Sundays. Thank you!

George Helton: The plants in the Memorial Garden really appreciate George! He has worked very hard to keep them alive during this drought. George also lends his talents to the Finance Committee. Thank you!

Greg Cruz: As a member of the Board, the choir, and a sound tech, Greg still makes time to help in the kitchen and brings us eggs! Plus, he consistently helps with our landscaping projects whether they are big or small. Thank you!

Linda Helton: Going above and beyond is part of Linda’s style. She gladly contributes her time to our R.E. program. If Linda is on your project, you can rest easy—she always follows through! Thank you!

Marge Pasch: We are so lucky that Marge shares her passion for gardening with us! Our beautiful pizza garden is lovingly tended by Marge, all year around….Thank you!

Nicky Helton: Ever wonder who takes care of our recycling? Well, Nicky is one of our most reliable recycling volunteers! Thank you!

Paul Adler: For so many years, Paul has given us his gift of dedication and hard work! We are grateful for all the projects that Paul has completed, making our church a better place for all of us. Thank you!

Rob Audier: If ever there was a handy man, it would be Rob. We are lucky to have someone who can solve problems quickly and efficiently! Thank you!

Ron Pasch: Ron has been Paul’s incomparable side-kick for many years. Church members are so grateful for Ron’s beautiful gifts. His quiet but efficient work is hidden in many places in our church. Thank you!

tom kunesh: Wednesday night meals and tom go together but tom’s gifts extend to other areas of our church family. Besides being a sound tech, on the worship committee and the communication committee, tom is always ready to help someone with their computer woes. He has become one of our primary computer gurus…We are grateful that tom continues to help us build bonds among our members and friends. Thank you!

Wendy Sapp: The many jobs that Wendy works on at our church is staggering! Currently, she is an R.E. teacher, the chair of the Lay Pastoral Care committee and on the Communications committee. However, her exceptional dedication goes way beyond committee work. We are so grateful that Wendy likes us so much….Thank you!

If you don’t see the name of a special volunteer on this list, please send it to Monique Lewis ( so that we can send a BIG thank you to more of our wonderful folks who help to make our church run smoothly.

Thank you to all our volunteers that give of their time and talent so that we are able to join together in this loving community that we have named Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga.


~ Monique Lewis, President, UUCC Board