9:45 Connections ~ sharing joys and concerns
9:55 Gathering ~ music

10:00 Service ~ In preparation for our congregational Annual Meeting, Board members will share their personal statements of faith and their vision of Unitarian Universalism, and for this church in particular. Let’s talk about our highest ideals and goals together.  ~ UUCC Board of Trustees

11:15 Annual Congregational Meeting ~ immediately following the service (after coffee refills and a stretch). All are invited to participate although only members are allowed to vote.

  • Election of new officers and Board members.
  • Election of members of the Nominating & Leadership Development Committee.
  • Election of delegates to the UU General Assembly.
  • Adoption of the budget for 2014-2015 Church Year.
  • Reports from the Minister and Church Officers.
  • Other business as appropriate, including
    Vote on the future status of the ‘Second Hour’ experiment.

No RE classes. Childcare for kids age 5 and under will be available in our church nursery from 9:30am – 12:30pm.