11:00 am ~ The Healing Power of Gratitude

Cathy HarringtongratitudeGratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.—Cicero

Scientific studies have shown that practicing gratitude can increase our happiness and well-being.  How can we become more “grace conscious?”  Practicing gratitude daily can change your life and unlock life’s greatest blessings.

Speaker: our minister Cathy Harrington

9:30 Forum  (downstairs) ~ Refugee Services

bridgesThis week: Susan, Marina Peshtorianu, of Bridge Refugee Services in Chattanooga, will speak about refugee services and building bridges in our community. Bridge Refugee Services is an ecumenical 501(c)3 nonprofit agency, operating in Knoxville and Chattanooga and is committed to providing protection and assistance in refugees’ inspiring journey “from despair to dignity.” Bridge recognize refugees’ plight, resilience and willingness to join our community and make it their own. Since opening a sub-office in Chattanooga in 1996, Bridge has resettled over 1,000 refugee clients from Bosnia, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Former Soviet Union, Kosovo, Liberia, Iran, Iraq, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Sudan, Ukraine and Vietnam.