11:00 am ~ The Easter Secret

Cathy HarringtoneasterpngThis Sunday will be a brimming basket of delights: welcoming spring, welcoming new members, celebrating the future of our church with our stewardship kickoff, and an Easter Egg Hunt!  Don’t miss the fun!

The winds of God’s grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails. ~ Ramakrishna 

Speaker: our minister Cathy Harrington

9:30 Forum  (downstairs) ~ Refugee Services

TeAtaCarol Shumaker, UUCC member, will introduce us to Te Ata (1895-1995) who has been called “Pan Indian” and the most polished Indian folklorist of the 20th Century. Te Ata dedicated her life to the preservation of Native American heritage crushed by the federal government’s tragic policy of assimilation through the “Trail of Tears” and Indian boarding schools.