
Continuing our tradition we will be gathering at the church on Thanksgiving day to share in the bounty of the season and enjoy food, friends and fellowship with our fellow UU’s who may not have family nearby or those who cannot travel this holiday season. We will gather to eat at 2:00 pm in the main sanctuary.

There will be a signup sheet available so we can get an approximate number of who will attend. Look for the sign-up sheet in the fellowship area in late October. Or, you can sign up online, using this link: UUCC Thanksgiving 2016.

We will need assistance with the dinner for set up, clean up, and for everyone to bring something to contribute to the dinner.

Leslie and James will provide one turkey, but we will need one or two more turkeys depending on how many people sign up to attend. Leslie and James are willing to cook those too, but will need to coordinate getting them. If there is anyone with experience, we could have fried turkey.

If you have any questions, contact Leslie Brock. Her contact information is in the directory, or you can ask Chris in the office. You can also contact Chris via email at office@uucc.org.