By Monique Lewis

Some of you may wonder what the poster with the tree and the birds in our fellowship area is all about. Instead of the old thermometer to measure pledges coming in, the stewardship team has decided to have some wings that set us free….So, whenever we receive a pledge card, then that member or contributing friend’s name goes up on a bluebird. We’re hoping that soon we will have a large flock of birds in and around our tree.

The stewardship team would like you to know that we do not have enough stewards for everyone to get a visit. If you are handed your pledge packet or you get it in the mail and you would like a steward to visit you, we can do that! Starting Sunday, April 2, there will be a basket with paper and a pen at the entrance to the sanctuary. Please put your name in the basket if you would like a visit or phone call from a steward.

We really appreciate the time and effort you are taking to evaluate your family’s budget so that we may all share in the responsibility of fulfilling our financial mission. Thank you so much for your contribution.