Submitted by Kay McCurdy, Director Religious Education

Here’s a brief wrap-up on what’s happening in our Religious Education program for Children & Youth:

  • Later this month, the fabulous Sandy Kurtz, tashi kunesh-Kurtz and Sophie McCurdy will board a bus bound for Washington, D.C., to participate in the People’s Climate March on Washington! Many thanks to Sandy for showing our UU Kids what it means to be a Social Justice Warrior (not to mention being the coolest chaperone ever.)
  • Speaking of fabulous…how many ministers do you know who are also master bakers? This Saturday, Cathy will teach our Medievals class the art and science of making bagels. (With samples available for noshing before service on Sunday!)
  • Coming up on May 7th…our annual Bridging and RE Volunteer Recognition service. Join us as we celebrate graduating teens wenona kunesh-Kurtz and Tamblin Papendorp, as well as the amazing volunteers who make our RE program thrive!
  • A big and hearty Thank You! to the generous and talented Ron Pasch, who gave his time and energy to design and build custom cabinetry for our Sprouts and Medievals classroom.
  • Nursery caregiver Destiny is moving on to new adventures, and her last day with us will be April 30th. We’ll miss you, Destiny, and wish you all the best!
  • We want to welcome a few new volunteers who have truly gotten into the spirit of RE!  Many thanks to Anne Cornwell, Mary Lou Reed, and Beth Terry, who’ve all become regular volunteers in our RE classrooms.
  • And before I close, I want to give special mention to the following RE volunteers, who served as Youth Advisors for our UU Kids at The Mountain this spring: Deana Cruz, Steve Hollingsworth, Beth Terry, Eric Tittsworth and Wendy Sapp. We are truly grateful to these folks, who give a weekend of their time to drive and chaperone our kids at Youth Cons.