School Uniforms for 9 kids who can’t go to school ’til they have uniforms

A very important and special Share the Plate will be taken this Sunday and we hope everyone can participate as generously as possible. Our goal is to collect around $1,000. We’ve been in touch with the Case Manager of Family Promise.  They are currently helping five families with a total of nine children (±6 boys, 3 girls). Only one child of the nine is able to start school at this time with proper uniforms. The school system isn’t allowing the children to go to school without wearing the school uniform.  Our Share the Plate this Sunday will be used totally to purchase uniforms for these nine children.  Four of the boys wear very large sizes – so the cost of their clothing will be a little more.  We are estimating one uniform (shirt and pants) for the larger sizes will be around $35-$40, and we would like to be able to supply them with a few sets of uniforms each. 
Please think about these children and give generously this Sunday.  Our donation will be sent to Family Promise (Interfaith Homeless Network) and they will purchase the clothing for the children.

Thank you, Your Social Justice Committee