Leaning Toward Beloved Community

Our dream is clear: we want to create a world in which we tear down the walls that divide the human family. Yet we don’t often have a place to ‘practice’ that behavior, so we get bogged down, often wallowing in shame, guilt and other yucky feelings.

This interactive and evocative workshop provides a fresh way of thinking about cross-cultural engagement through the lens of spiritual development. Come explore how we can engage our imperfect selves as we build a multi-racial, multicultural and theologically diverse community. Learn how to walk the talk.

with Mark A. Hicks, Angus MacLean Professor of Religious Education,
Meadville Lombard Theological School (UU), Chicago

Saturday 8 June 9am–5pm @ the Unitarian Universalist Church
3224 Navajo Drive, Chattanooga TN 37411
register online @ www.uucc.org/rgm • rgm@uucc.org
• everybody invited
• $15 registration / need-based scholarships available
• payable by check to ‘UUCC’
• light lunch included
MarkHicks-workshop8june2013 flyer .pdf