11:00 am ~ Practicing Resurrection

Cathy HarringtonresilienceWe are indeed a people of resilience, not just a person of resilience. We survive our pain by knowing it is shared. We continue to walk through the dark only when we sense we are not alone. Internal grit only gets us so far; empathy, assurance and love from others gets us the rest of the way. Resilience has everything to do with the water within which we swim and the web of connections that surround us. (Soul Matters theme; March 2015)

Speaker: our minister Cathy Harrington

9:30 Forum  (downstairs) Caring For Our Common Home

popeThe Laudato Si: Caring for Our Common Home is one of the most important contemporary religious documents to address the effects of climate change on the Earth from not just a spiritual and theological perspective but also from the position of eco-justice for the most fragile on our planet.

In this forum, we will look at some key themes and calls to action in the Papal document that address far-reaching implications for the future of the human family and all species of the Earth.

Led by Kate Bast

Kate Bast is a third-year Masters of Divinity student at the School of Theology in Sewanee TN and a postulant for the priesthood in the Episcopal Church from Port Townsend, WA. She is passionate about combining her love of Creation with contemplative practice and advocacy for eco-justice for all species.