our minister Pam Rumancik
Taking an old idea – Kids in service – and making it new again. That’s what UUCC will be doing with the Second Hour Experiment in March.

Beginning on Sunday, March 2nd, Worship will move to 10:00am. The goal is a more energized and engaged community; getting to know one another in deeper and more nuanced levels and creatively engaging our UU Faith with new tools.

We envision social justice projects for the whole family; new adult formation opportunities; more time to catch up with old friends; more time to learn about our amazing and saving faith. New ways of connecting and sharing will contribute to creating our own Beloved Community right here in Chattanooga.

Why do this now? Interim Ministry is the time to try things.
• For more years than you can count the RE Dept. has been asking for more teachers – but as committed as they are – folks don’t want to miss worship. And really – why should they?
• A majority of UU kids graduate college and never return to a UU Church. They had wonderful engaging classes while they were growing up, but never got acclimated to regular worship services. It doesn’t feel familiar or welcoming.

These two developments have spurred many UU churches to turn to the concept of Second Hour; holding intergenerational services each week and then creating time for the entire community to engage in different faith development activities afterwards – together.

UUCC is going to try this model for a limited time – from March 2 through June 8 – and then ask the community to decide if it’s working and want to keep it, or if we want to adjust in some way, or to go back to the original structure. A vote will be held at our Annual Meeting.

We invite you to set aside your reservations (if you have them) and bring your own enthusiasm for this wonderful church community. Be a blessing – share the joy~

Rev Pam

Becoming intentionally intergenerational: Our families – and society – is segregated by age all week long. Our churches should be a place to be together; to learn and share our deepest values & hopes side by side.

What will you do with your extra hour? Join a ‘TED Talk’ discussion? Teach a class? Attend Forum? Take a class? Help with a Social Justice Project? Form a small group? What would you like to do?

Second Hour Letter from Pam in pdf