11:00 am ~ Less is More

waterWater intertwines with all our lives in intricately complex ways but get down to underlying basics and water makes possible our physical survival as it binds to our memory and emotions.

Bring water to our annual Water Ceremony to join the common bowl and consider how you personally experience water at its most basic.

Our presenter, Steve Hollingsworth, is a UUCC member, who volunteers with WOWzers (Working on Worship), the Communications Committee, and can be found tickling the ivories from time time at UUCC during Sunday services.

9:30 Forum (downstairs) ~“You Say You Want a Revolution”
A prelude for the September  23 UUCC ’60s Party and Service Auction


Pete Yonce will lead a discussion of ’60s music of rebellion – the movements of anti-war, civil rights, feminist and environmental and even music that seemed to just wanted to make us feel good.

Pete Yonce is a UUCC newcomer and self-described non-musician music history and trivia nerd.