Remembering ◆ Reconciling ◆ Reconnecting

October 24 – 26, 2017

Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga

3224 Navajo Dr.

Chattanooga, TN 37411


Registration Fee:  $150

Scholarships are available through  the generous support of the Veatch Foundation. 

Register, or apply for a scholarship, online at HEALING OF MEMORIES WORKSHOP APPLICATION FORM


For questions or further information, contact:

Rev. Cathy Harrington

423-624-2985 or

The Concept

Everyone has a story to tell and every story needs to be heard, acknowledged and respected. The workshop provides a safe space where people can begin the journey of acknowledging and letting go of that which is destructive in their lives and incorporating from the past that which is life-giving. This is the first step in personal healing and wholeness as well as healing of interpersonal relationships.

Workshop Goals

* Provide a safe and welcoming space where individuals can tell their stories in an atmosphere of confidentiality

* Experience the use of art and storytelling as vehicles for personal healing and respect

* Explore and acknowledge our individual emotional and spiritual traumas

* Redeem the past and celebrate that which is life giving and put to rest that which is destructive

* Celebrate the individual and group work accomplished during the workshop on the journey of healing 

An Overview

This workshop is designed to help you remember and examine life experiences, especially traumatic ones, which negatively affect your life.

The process involves telling your story in a safe, confidential, and nonjudgmental space without roadblocks like shame, guilt, or the fear of hurting a loved one. When your story is heard, acknowledged, and honored, you can take one step toward healing those memories.

Day 1 – The First Step

* Dinner at 5:00 p.m. * Welcome and introductions * Overview of process

Day 2 – Storytelling and Discussion

* Remembering life events * Storytelling in small facilitated groups * Discussion of common themes, feelings * Evening gathering to relax

Day 3 – The Journey Continues

* Weaving experiences together * Creating symbols of peace/hope * Honoring the workshop experience * Taking one step towards healing


Founder Fr. Michael Lapsley: The History

Fr. Michael Lapsley, SSM, is an Anglican priest who lived in South Africa during the struggle against apartheid. He was sent a letter bomb and in the ensuing explosion, lost both hands and an eye.

After working as a chaplain with the Trauma Centre for Victims of Violence and Torture in Cape Town, which assisted South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, he founded the international Institute for Healing of Memories.

As a result of his own healing journey he created this workshop, held worldwide, for those who have experienced trauma from war, human rights abuses and other disturbing events. Minnesota Healing of Memories is a regional affiliate of the Institute for Healing of Memories – North America.  


“I’ve never shared my story with anyone before.”

Every story needs a listener.  


The Institute for Healing of Memories – North America 

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, tax ID #26-4684365.

Thank you for your partnership!