Some people are cooks while others love to mess with a computer. Imagine your surprise when you find out a quiet person you know likes performing in a theater play. We all have favorite activities to which we give our time. Of course, these change along the way and because of lifetime events.

Yes, you figured right—I am wondering if you have found your niche at our church. You already know that it takes a lot of folks contributing their talents and time to help the church run smoothly. Because of this fact, some years, we do better in one area than another.

The UUCC board members would like you to know that we appreciate all the tremendous time and talent commitments that you make to our church. Whether you run the sound equipment on Sundays, call members who are having problems, balance the checkbook, initiate a church-wide event, make sure we communicate with members or clean up in the kitchen, we are very grateful for you!

We hope that our new members and visitors will find their niche—in their lives and at our church.

~ Monique Lewis, President, UUCC Board