
Monique Lewis, President, Board of Trustees



Gratitude — It’s interesting to me how we sometimes begin to think about being grateful or thankful in the month of November. I suppose it has something to do with Thanksgiving.

I, myself, have much to be grateful for in my life. One thing I am especially grateful for is the Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga. I signed the membership book on the second Sunday I attended way back in 1981. “What a great bunch of folks!” that’s what I thought then and still think now, 34 years later. Having two small boys back then, I was grateful that there was such a wonderful R.E. program and now, that program continues to amaze me as the children are still taught with the same loving touch that allows them to grow with confidence.

There are so many reasons that I am thankful to be a part of this church community and I think the biggest is: trying. I feel that we have a large group of caring people who try — to take care of our building and grounds, to fill the sanctuary with beautiful music, to take care of each other, to pay our bills, to support our minister, to interest us in social action, to teach our children, to present wonderful Sunday services, to reach out into our local community, to guide us into the future, and so much more…

Yes, I am very grateful that we were given this gift, this church, by those that came before us so that now we can continue to meet together, laugh together, and yes, even grow together…

What are you grateful for?