Bridge Refugee Services

Presented by: Marina Peshterianu

Bridge Refugee Services is a nonprofit agency operating in Knoxville and Chattanooga whose mission is to provide opportunities for refugees to rebuild their lives after suffering persecution, so that they become productive and contributing members of the community. Marina Peshterianu is the Associate Director of Bridge’s Chattanooga operations. She will discuss Bridge’s work and how the current political climate is affecting their mission.

Marina Peshterianu joined Bridge Refugee Services Chattanooga in 1999 transitioning from the career in education. Before joining Bridge, she taught in an inner-city magnet school focusing on environmental and global issues. During her time at Bridge, Marina participated in resettlement of refugees from Vietnam, Bosnia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Liberia, Sudan, Burundi, Tanzania, Congo, Chad, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Cuba and Colombia and performed a variety of job responsibilities such as case-manager, job developer, Early Employment (MG) program coordinator, sub-office coordinator, and became Associate Director in 2014. “I am honored to have an opportunity to help refugees from all over the world to make a transition into their new life in our community and reclaim their freedom and independence. Their achievements are an everyday affirmation of human capacity to survive, rise and step forward.”