It happens sometimes slowly.  Strangers meet, sometimes several times, and then, it happens. Something shifts as people feel more and more open to sharing.  They know that they will be heard.  They know that they are safe, and that there is trust and respect.  And then, it happens.  This feeling of bonding, of caring, of being invested sets in, and the reasons for joining a small group become important and apparent to all its members.

Our groups are finishing up three months of meetings, and people are getting to know others they may have never met before in a way that allows for lasting bonds to be formed.  It’s an amazing feeling, and it deeply strengthens the bonds of our church community.  Lively discussion and plans are being made for community and church service projects.  Hugs are exchanged, with anticipation for the next time the group gathers.

There is an empty chair, always, waiting for anyone who wants to join us.


Listen Intentionally ~ Grow in Spirit ~ Experience Kinship