COMING UP:  Sunday 18 June is Father’s Day. It came to be in 1910 after a woman heard a Mother’s Day sermon and thought about how her Dad singlehandedly continued raising his farm family alone after his wife died giving birth to their 6th child on the west coast. And then a different kind of dad, Richard Nixon, made it official in 1972. 
But some of our members didn’t have fathers to grow up with, like UUCC member Harold Linn who used to regale us with stories of how his grampa taught him to hunt and cook and just about everything. Like my grampa, Ted Kelly, who never really had a dad because his 33-yearold father abandoned the family of wife and 6 kids, twice – on the reservation in North Dakota right after he was born, and four years later after he completed his required parole with the family from Minnesota State Prison — off to Chicago, never to be seen by family again. And then, some of us didn’t like our Fathers, and the celebration feels … displaced. 

For our Father’s Day sunday service on 18 june, we would like to hear stories of real dads in our own families.  – Got an interesting tale? – Willing to write it down & tell us?  Contact us WOWzers at <> if you’ve got a story. Would love to show some pics of our dads too. Send ’em on! 
Thanks. /tpk
When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant 
I could hardly stand to have the old man around. 
But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at 
much the old man had learned in seven years.
– Mark Twain