The ‘Evening of Elegance and Relevance’ on February 4 was both!
We drew a full house of 84 people of whom about 1/3 were not UUs.  They came to witness “Extreme Whether”, a play that makes us think about the reality of climate change and environmental degradation and how our actions now will determine our future.  The cast brought the story to life with their animated reading. The music played on cue and the lights went on and off as planned thanks to sound man David Benn.  All went smoothly and was capped off by a truly elegant cake and champagne reception.  
Extreme Whether Cast
Left to right:  Charlotte Davis, Roger Davis, Gene Bartoo, Miranda Hofelt, Tashi Kunesh, Wenona Kunesh, Ned Spaulding, Rich Dwyer
Thanks go not only to the cast who spent many hours in rehearsal, but also to Judith Pedersen-Benn and her Social Justice Committee members and to Chris Tregaskis for keeping track of reservations.  
Thanks to cake donors Marie Brown, Anne Cornwell, Connie Cowherd, Judy Gallagher, Miranda Hofelt, Julia Kurtz-Kunesh, Linda Park (also money collector), Mary Lou Reed, Wendy Sapp, Fred Shumaker, Ned Spaulding, and Carmen Vanderhoof.  
Thanks to Anne Johnson who set up a beautiful candlelit reception area with her trusty assistant David Weidner.  
Thanks to Anne Cornwell, Steve Hollingsworth, Beth Terry, and tom kunesh, for their skills in program design, video recording, and for publicity on WGOW FM Radio, WUTC Radio, and in the Chattanooga Times Free Press.  
We also appreciate the work of Rob Audier, Ron Pasch, and Jerry Bowman for help with lighting, music, video, sound effects and staging.
Finally thanks to UTC Theatre Department for the loan of some props including that slamming door that Ned Spaulding slammed so well.
On a personal note, I am grateful to Fred Behringer for his tips supplied to a novice play director.      
Proceeds from the evening will benefit Theatre Three Collaborative, TN Interfaith Power & Light, and Chattanooga Citizens Climate Lobby.  
Now on to action at all levels!  
As the choir sang last Sunday, we are all one family—Une Familia—and we are part of the interdependent web of all life.  
Share information and concern with others.  
Join an organization fighting for climate change action (e.g. The Citizens Climate Lobby meets the second Saturday of each month at the downtown library at 12:45 p.m.).  
Attend the climate march scheduled for April 29 in Washington, D.C.
~ Sandy Kurtz