As we say goodbye to 2016 and look towards 2017, let’s take a moment to reflect on UUCC’s developmental goals. The goals below were copied from the UUCC nUUsletter dated December 2014.

A. Identity. Vision and Mission. 
Who do we say we are, to ourselves and to the world?
How do we express the unity that binds us despite our humanistic and spiritualist differences?
B. Covenant and Safe Community Policy. 
What are the standards for the relationships we want to have with one another?
How shall we respond when behavior violates these standards?
C. Member Engagement. 
How do we build a larger core of active members?
Are there programming changes that will help?
How do we identify and build the next generation of church leaders?
How do we build a financial stewardship tradition that will sustain the church?
D. Governance. 
How do we extricate our Board of Trustees from the ever-flowing nitty-gritty of ministerial decision making to create time for governance and strategic thinking?
How do we develop policies that will make our decision making more consistent?
E. Better Communication. 
What procedures and habits must we build to make decision-making as transparent as possible and build trust within the community?
How do we do a better job of telling our story to the larger community?