Reduce Your Income Taxes…

…and give the savings to our church! Submitted by: Bill Derrickson, Treasurer (Special thanks to Fidelity and Vanguard Investments for their inputs) You can reduce your income taxes if: You no longer itemize your tax deductions and are past age 70 ½ You are...

Donate Via Our UUCC Website!

Did you know that you can donate to UUCC through our website? It’s easy! Go to, and click the DONATE link in the upper right corner. It will take you to page where you’ll get information about the secure donation page, and a reminder to...

Stewardship 2017 ~ Come Fly With Us!

By Monique Lewis Some of you may wonder what the poster with the tree and the birds in our fellowship area is all about. Instead of the old thermometer to measure pledges coming in, the stewardship team has decided to have some wings that set us free….So, whenever we...

Did You Know…?

What do you think of when asked what your money goes toward when you pledge or make an offering in the plate on a non-“share the plate” Sunday? Of course there are the inevitable ongoing operational costs of electricity, gas and water. But surely it can’t be that...

Did You Know?

By Monique Lewis, Chair/Stewardship Team  At some point during the year, some of you may wonder where your pledge dollars go. For instance, how much do we spend on utilities or what is our yearly cost for the R.E. program? Remember these services and programs are...

Roots hold us close, wings set us free…

This year, we embark on a new adventure in planning our 2017-2018 stewardship campaign. How will it be different? First, your Board has voted to hire Bill Clontz, a UUA consultant to guide us into a year-around approach to stewardship. We will commit ourselves to...