Minister’s Musings ~ March 2018

Rev. Cathy Harrington We will be focusing on the theme of Balance this month in our small groups and our Sunday morning worship services.  Stabilize, harmonize, attune, redeem, steady, and square are just a few synonyms for the word balance.  Someone once...

Minister’s Musings ~ January 2018

Rev. Cathy Harrington My goodness, it’s another new year already! The holidays are always such a whirlwind that it feels good to sit back and enjoy the thought of quiet and boring January. I love our Soul Matters theme for January because it resonates with new...

Minister’s Musings ~ November 2017

Rev. Cathy Harrington Our theme for November is ABUNDANCE. It is not the material kind of abundance because too much stuff can stifle. Someone once coined the word “stuffocation” to describe what happens when we seek stuff to make us happy. Isn’t that a great word?...

October 2017 ~ Minister’s Musings

Reverend Cathy Harrington This month’s theme is courage. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” What does it mean to be a thoughtful, committed people of...