wensday nite dinner ~ 6 March 2019 ~6 pm

All Welcome What’s for dinner? hot dogs! – meat & veggie, served with baked beans & jello  brought to you by chef tom You must RSVP to wensdays@uucc.org so we have enough for everyone. There’ll be wine/beer and non-alcoholic drinks as well. $4...

wensday nite dinner ~ 27 February 2019 ~6 pm

All Welcome What’s for dinner? Soup, Salad, & French Bread You must RSVP to wensdays@uucc.org so we have enough for everyone. There’ll be wine/beer and non-alcoholic drinks as well. $4 dinner and $3 beer or wine MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price)...

Donating to WUTC Through UUCC

Submitted by: Steve Hollingsworth Our local public radio station WUTC will soon begin its spring member drive. Many of you are aware that we solicit donations to UUCC that are put in a fund to buy underwriting announcements for UUCC, on WUTC. In short, UUCC gets...