High, Wide and Handsome • April 24

11:00 am ~ Stewardship High, Wide and Handsome is a sailing ship with a favorable wind, sailing dry and easily, riding the crest of good fortune. Every sailor knows there will be challenges along the way, but being prepared makes all the difference. Our Unitarian...

Dinner at the Mosque

An invitation from Hammad El-Ameen: I want to personally invite the people of UUCC to the dinner that I am hosting at the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga Mosque this Saturday the 9th of April. You are most welcome to come and enjoy some food and good company....

revelation • 7 april 2016

11:00 am ~ Revelation On April 7th, a group of UUCC members gathered to explore with open hearts and minds the questions, “Who do we say we are to ourselves and to the community?” Honoring the wisdom of Parker Palmer, we listened to one another: Before you tell your...