Help fund UUCC’s Social Justice Committee’s effort to bring Father Michael Lapsley and RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: HEALING OF MEMORIES TENNESSEE to Chattanooga! UUCC’s Social Justice Committee is bringing Father Michael Lapsley to Chattanooga in late...

What Shamu Taught Me • September 18, 2016

11:00 am ~ What Shamu Taught Me    Journalist Amy Sutherland, while observing exotic animal trainers, realized that their basic techniques could be used in her own life to improve relationships and conquer bad habits.  Her book is not only practical and interesting,...

The Standing Rock Protest ~ How You Can Help

1. Donate items from the Sacred Stone Camp Supply list 2. Contribute directly to the tribe to support the Red Warrior Camp 3. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund 4. Call the White House (202-456-1111). Tell President Obama to rescind the Army Corps...