The Sunday Forum: One of UUCC’s Treasures

The Sunday Forum: One of UUCC’s Treasures

Asked what I think about the Forum, my response is an unequivocal “The Forum is a great place to spend part of a Sunday morning!.” Attending will get you out of the doldrums and send you home with new perspectives on old conclusions. I first attended the Forum on...

Oct 23, 2016 ~ 9:30 am ~ Forum

Our Town, Their Bodies: Chattanooga Sex Work, 4th-Wave Feminism & Humanism Revisiting the status of prostitution in Chattanooga after NPR’s 2009 report “In Chattanooga, Main Street Is A Prostitution Strip”, and the future of sex work in our town. Will...
From the Heart – Autumn 2016

From the Heart – Autumn 2016

If You Give a House a Cookie Jar, You Must Keep It Full It all began with a cookie jar filled with homemade cookies. This was our introduction to Welcome Home and to the dedicated volunteers and delightful residents therein. This is a place filled with love, a place...

Robots in Disguise • October 2, 2016

11:00 am ~ Robots in Disguise Chen Zhang, a newcomer to Chattanooga and to this congregation, is interested in exploring what makes us human, the role of robotics in the future of society, and what we have to think about as more jobs are being replaced by machines....