These are dark and dangerous times. There is a pall of fascism hanging over our country, and President-elect Donald Trump continues to stoke the fires. But, don’t just take my word for it, let’s take a hard look at the evidence. First of all, there is the use of...

Minister’s Musings ~ November 2016

Minister’s Musings ~ November 2016 Rev. Cathy Harrington How appropriate that the theme for November is STORY after learning so much about the importance of sharing our stories from Fr Michael Lapsley, the founder of the Institute for the Healing of Memories last...

Gratitude ~ Message from Our Board President

Gratitude Monique Lewis, President, Board of Trustees 11-10-2016 Gratitude — It’s interesting to me how we sometimes begin to think about being grateful or thankful in the month of November. I suppose it has something to do with Thanksgiving. I, myself, have much to...