We Love Our Volunteers

Mostly hidden from view are some hard-working angels that quietly take care of our church. Today, we would like to express our profound gratitude to twelve of those volunteers who go above and beyond in sharing their gifts with us. Dave Benn: In addition to keeping up...

Dec 14, 2016 ~ 6 pm ~ wensday nite dinner

Come join us for wensday nite dinner – the company and conversation are superb! We will enjoy Chef Anne’s white bean soup made with veggies, no meat, and chef tom will make his super-duper corn bread.  There’ll be wine/beer and non-alcoholic drinks as...

Indoor Walking Labyrinth ~ Dec 19 and 20, 2016

Indoor Walking Labyrinth UUCC Sanctuary Monday, December 19th and Tuesday, December 20th 5:30-8:30 p.m. A quiet and reflective experience… Take a break from the rush of the season, leave your worries at the door, and walk our candlelit labyrinth. Sponsored by...