Forum ~ April 2, 2017 ~ 9:30 am

“Why So Many Americans Don’t Want Social Justice and Don’t Trust Scientists”   The presenter, by video, is social psychologist Jonathan Haidt of New York University. The video will be followed by a discussion. Sunday, April 2 2017...

29 mar 2017 ~ 6 pm ~ wensday nite dinner

  Grown Up Mac ‘n Cheese ~ Salad What makes our mac ‘n cheese “grown up”? You’ll have to attend to find out! Chef Anne prepares mac ‘n cheese from scratch. One casserole will have ham in it, one won’t. The cheeses...

A Caring Community

Submitted by Wendy Sapp, Lay Pastoral Care Coordinator The Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga is a caring and compassionate community that opens its arms to everyone. We support one another in times of need, we reach out to the community through numerous...

Social Justice Report ~ Spring 2017

Happy Spring everyone! As we leave Winter behind, let us enter into this time of transition and renewal in a spirit of thoughtful contemplation. What is important to us as UU’s? What must we do now that we are faced with deep divisions and hatred in our society? I...