wensday nite dinner ~ 12 july 2017 ~ 6 pm

Barbecue pork sandwiches, chips, and coleslaw.       Brought to you by the WOWzers! RSVP to wensdays@uucc.org so we have enough for everyone! There’ll be wine/beer and non-alcoholic drinks as well. $4 dinner and $3 beer or wine MSRP...

Summer Sunday Forum ~ 9 July 2017 ~ 9:30 am

UUCC’s Sunday Services committee is planning a summer talk & discussion Forum series ‘upstairs’ called “Black & White: on race in Chattanooga”, led by alternating Black & White, female & male, community members. City...

wensday nite dinner ~ 5 july ~ 6 pm

A little exotic – an indian dish bought at a german-owned store in the USA. Chicken tikka masala on basmati brown rice, with a side of naan & a bottle of India Pale Ale.  everything from Aldi   Brought to you by chef...

UUCC’s Mission Statement

  Our Mission at UUCC is to CARE:   Creating beloved community. Awakening hearts and minds. Resisting injustice and acting with compassion. Embracing life and caring for the earth.