Social Justice ~ October, 2017

Submitted by: Judith Pedersen-Benn, Social Justice Chair A few of us set up a UUCC Social Justice table on September 21st at the “Paths to Peace” event (which UUCC SJ co-sponsored). While they were celebrating peace, many folks stopped by our table to learn more about...

wensday nite dinner ~ 4 oct 2017 ~ 6 pm

“Kids’ Night!” Kids favorites, but adults like ’em too. Spaghetti in tomato sauce with sausage, chicken fingers, and mac ‘n cheese.  Come enjoy! Brought to you by Chefs Anne and tom. You must RSVP to so we have...

October 2017 ~ Minister’s Musings

Reverend Cathy Harrington This month’s theme is courage. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” What does it mean to be a thoughtful, committed people of...

wensday nite dinner ~ 27 september ~ 6:00 pm

Three Soups & Three Breads   Enjoy sampling beet soup with ginger and cucumber, white chicken chili soup, and potato soup. Accompanying the soups will be garlic bread, cornbread, and flat bread. How can you resist? Brought to you by Chefs Daidee, Harriet,...