Labor Day Church Picnic

Sunday 1 September 2013 11:00 ~ Bring a dish & share a pot-luck Picnic lunch with fellow church members for fun & fellowship. This is an all-ages, family-friendly all-inclusive event, sponsored by our Board of Trustees. (no Forum or nursery this...

Loving the Hell Out of the World

Sunday 25 August 2013 11:00 ~ How can we make love real and visible in the world? What gifts does this community have to offer? Ways that we make the world a better place by bringing our witness of love. Inspired by a GA workshop. speaker: Pam Rumancik 10:45...

Share the Plate ~ Sunday 11 August

School Uniforms for 9 kids who can’t go to school ’til they have uniforms.  A very important and special Share the Plate will be taken this Sunday and we hope everyone can participate as generously as possible. Our goal is to collect around $1,000....