The exhibit “Our Ocean Journey: North Georgia Sky Painters” is presented in January and February 2019. The theme of this exhibit reflects the 7th UUA principle “…respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” The group toured the Tennessee Aquarium together in the autumn of 2017 to photograph the different denizens of the Ocean Journey building. The result is a
trove of colorful creatures.

The artists are Janice Kennedy, Linda Rugina, Sandra Babb, Evelyn Marie Williams, and Carol Hobbs (coordinator). They are eager to share their excitement about the beauty of these species, but they also want to convey a serious message about the environment. Poster messages are placed among the paintings which discuss causes and basic solutions for slowing global warming, ocean acidification, plastic pollution and unsustainable fishing. The Sky Painters have been invited to exhibit their “creatures” in the gallery at the Tennessee Aquarium IMAX Theater in March and April 2019.

The artists will donate 25% of sales to UUCC.


By Linda Rugina

By Janice Kennedy

Dennison’s Barbs by S. Babb

The Big Chill by E.M. Williams

Caribbean Lobster by Carol Hobbs

Horseshoe Crab by Carol Hobbs