Our annual members’ meeting will take place after the service on Sunday, June 4th. We will be voting on our new slate of Board officers and two members who will be joining the Nominating Committee:

Prospective Board Nominees:

President-Elect—Nicky Ozbek

Secretary—Connie Cowherd

Treasurer-Elect—Lynna Ruth Standridge

Vice President/Religious Growth—Mary Lou Reed

Vice President/Resources—David Benn

Vice President/Congregational Life—To be determined

Prospective Nominating & Leadership Development Nominees

Dan Hickey 2017-2019

Linn Boshers 2017-2019


The Social Justice Committee has also added an item to our agenda. They ask that the Congregation “sign on” to the Declaration of Conscience issued by the UUA. We will be voting on this action.

All items for the annual meeting agenda must be turned in to the office no later than May 26, 2017.

Please direct any questions regarding the annual meeting to the board president, Monique Lewis. (niquelewis1@gmail.com)