11:00 am ~ Agents of Conscious Evolution
eoThe term “Evolution” is being bandied about these days. This is partly new scientific theories on the subject and equally new views of individual participation in how the world works. We will look at some of the material presented by current philosophers, anthropologists, and spiritual leaders. Be prepared to face some unpleasant facts and draw some possibly frightening conclusions.

Service leader: Elspeth Odbert

eco-spir_29:30 Forum (downstairs) ~ Social/Political Activism: A Spiritual Activity
A look at definitions of the term “Activism.” Must it always involve working against force? Is activism only expressed by marches (peaceful or otherwise) or by mass protests? What does it mean to be an activist?

Forum presenter: Elspeth Odbert, known as “Grandmother Elspeth, the Crone on the Road”, has conducted workshops on spiritual growth and enrichment since 1989. She is a inspirational teacher and storyteller, who leads her listeners on an eco-spiritual path of personal and planetary transformation.