This year, we embark on a new adventure in planning our 2017-2018 stewardship campaign. How will it be different? First, your Board has voted to hire Bill Clontz, a UUA consultant to guide us into a year-around approach to stewardship. We will commit ourselves to expanding our campaign as we:

  • reveal our church’s needs
  • recognize our volunteer’s efforts
  • answer your questions about our budget
  • analyze the Fair Share Guide
  • train our Visiting Stewards
  • make it simpler for you to pledge

Your stewardship team has selected as this year’s theme:

Roots hold us close, wings set us free…

If we are to continue as a haven for our members and for others who seek a place of peace, we must first recognize the magnificent gifts we have been given by those who came before us.

Although we must pay our monthly bills, our church is not just a building nor is it just a business. We have a financial mission to support programs as R.E. classes, social justice events, Sunday services, community outreach, art and music, and building friendships. We ask that you acknowledge your roots and fly with us so that our wings may set us free…

Thank you for all that you do to keep us strong, safe, and looking towards our future.

~  Monique Lewis, Chair/Stewardship Team