11:00 am ~ Beginning Again in Love

Cathy HarringtonSept_11No matter how old I get, the end of summer offers a familiar sense of renewal and excitement. When I was 10 years old, it was new shoes, haircuts, notebooks, pencils, paper, friends, ritual, lunch boxes, new beginnings, and returning. Now that I’m (OMG!) 65-years old, it means new shoes, computer, printer paper, ritual, returning, beginning, new friends, anti-aging cream, and joy. It will be good to be together again!

Speaker: our minister Cathy Harrington

9:30 am ~ Forum (downstairs) ~ Work of Glass House Collective

Glass-HouseA variety of programs help the Glass House Collective work toward its goal: “to bring life back to Glass Street and Glass Street back to life.”

Presented by: Nicole Lewis, community coordinator for the Collective.