Submitted by Kay McCurdy, Director of Religious Education 

  • 45 children and youth enrolled in our Religious Education program. Average weekly attendance: 28.
  • RE Committee & DRE created and submitted a new comprehensive Nursery Policy to the Board of Trustees. Policy was approved by BOT, became effective August 1, 2016.
  • Classrooms now divided by grade, rather than age. Three classrooms: Sprouts (K-3), Medievals (4th-8th), Teens (9th-12th).
  • The wonderful Carol Hobbs led an Art Workshop for our Teens in September.
  • Hired wenona kunesh-Kurtz as our new Nursery caregiver. Carmen Vanderhoof is in her eighth year as our Nursery Supervisor.
  • Offered Elementary OWL class for the first time, led by trained facilitators Greg Cruz and Wendy Sapp.
  • Hosted a “Comfort Foods Potluck” in honor of Father Michael Lapsley.
  • Medievals class engaged in social justice work this year, spearheading supply drives for the Humane Society, Chattanooga Community Kitchen, and Bridge Refugee Services, as well as purchasing and planting a dogwood on the church grounds, with the help of Dave Benn.
  • DRE scripted and directed three children and youth services this year. Our UU kids and teens did an amazing job as service leaders.
  • Hosted a Holiday Breakfast and Ornament Making workshop.
  • Sponsored the Indoor Walking Labyrinth on December 19 & 20.
  • RE families participated in Martin Luther King, Jr March.
  • Volunteer youth advisors chaperoned three different age groups to The Mountain for Youth Conferences this spring. 17 UUCC kids participated, our highest attendance to date.
  • RE has welcomed several new regular volunteers this year, including Beth Terry, Anne Cornwell, Judith Pedersen-Benn, Dave Benn, Steve Hollingsworth, Mary Lou Reed, Jim Welborn, and Yvonne Derrickson.
  • Hosted annual Easter Egg Hunt.
  • Held annual RE Committee retreat, a full day of planning and brainstorming.
  • Cathy led a fun and educational bagel making workshop for our Medievals class, and served the bagels to the congregation the following day.
  • DRE joined the Lay Pastoral Care team.
  • Sandy Kurtz, tashi kunesh-Kurtz and Sophie McCurdy participated in the Climate March in Washington, D.C.
  • We graduated two teens from our program: wenona kunesh-Kurtz and Tamblin Papendorp. They and their families spoke to the congregation about their experiences growing up in the UUCC community.
  • RE hosting UU Beach on Wednesday evenings in June: a time for food, fun and fellowship. June 7, 14, 21, 28.
  • Two overnight Lock-Ins are scheduled in June, for the Medieval (June 2) and Teen (June 30) classes.
  • Big shout out to Anne Cornwell and the entire communications committee for their work in publicizing RE programming and special events.
  • Another big shout out to Chris Tregaskis, who continues to be a source of information, comfort, and wisdom.
  • Gratitude to the RE Committee: Emily Sartain, Wendy Sapp, tom kunesh, Gale Audier, and Leslie Brock for their continued commitment to the children and youth in our program.